Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The paperclip is ready for some tradin'!

So here is the little blue paperclip that I intend to use for my first trade. It costed me roughly 1 cent.
The little blue paperclip. 
So today I hope to make my first trade. Una has already made her first trade and and traded her red paperclip for a scrabble board game. I have had offers thrown at me. For example, Angus Mortimer, my friend and teammate from Ottawa offered to trade me a Ottawa Senators ticket for tonights games. It would have been an awesome trade but I really had to think about it. For one I am in Florida for a training camp and he is back in Ottawa right now. I also had to weigh the possibility of not being able to trade it before tonight. If i didn't trade it before tonight then the game was over for me. I decided against the trade this time just because there was too much risk involved. I will ask around tonight and I am sure I will be able to make a trade before the end of the day. 

I was lying in bed last night thinking about this competition and why I thought it was so cool. Theres the obvious reason that i can make 1000's % profit on this but it relates to real life too. I have dreams of owning my own business some day and if you think about this challenge its kinda like starting up your own business. The paperclip and all the things I trade for are my product. I'm trying to get the word out with advertising and marketing to make profit of my product. I know it's not the exact same because my product is always changing but there are some basic features of this that are the same as starting up your own business. I also get to experience the competition part of business as well with having Una selling the same product essentially. I personally think that its pretty cool. The best thing about this is theres no risk! So I get to make mistakes without really have severe consequences like loosing my business. 

I have had a slight advantage of seeing how Una started marketing her paperclip for a trade because she started a few days ahead of me. She has started by advertising her paperclip on Facebook. I am going to do the same thing, but I also have some ideas of building on that. Just like in real life business scenario, we will steal each others marketing tactics and make them better for ourself, thats the name of the game.

Keep posted for my first trade!

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