Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And it begins!

So this paperclip challenge was inspired by my friend Una Lounder and her mission to "trade her way up in the world". Hers being a little red paperclip and mine being the little blue paperclip because its a more manly and better color. I'm really excited because not only do I love a competition but the whole idea that I could end up with a house at the end of it for example ( already happened, google it!), when all I started out with is a 1 cent paperclip.

Let me explain how it works. I start out with a paperclip. Simple. I use my bargaining skills to trade that paperclip for something more valuable like a pencil for example. So now instead of having a paperclip I have a pencil. I have just made a huge profit. Say that the paperclip was 1 cent and the pencil was 50 cents,  I just made 500% profit to be exact. Bet you never thought of that. Thats how cool this is. Anyways, now I have a pencil that I need to trade for something better and more useful to me. It goes on and on and on, there is no real end to it.

How did we come up with this idea. Well Una and I are in a Marketing class at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia together. One of the assignments for the class is this paperclip challenge. We both kinda expressed our excitement about the assignment to each other and started talking about how cool it would be to compete against each other and see who could come out with the best item at the end. Being the athletes we are our competitiveness shined through and it was on. I actually kinda forgot about it and then a facebook message popped up in my inbox from Una titled "The little red paperclip." I was so impressed with it but at the same time knew that it was on! So I finally found some time to get my blog created today and the trading will begin tomorrow! Or at least I will start to attempt it.

Anyways, keep posted because I will update all my trades as soon as they are made so you can track my progress. One last little message to Una...Its on! She already has a day lead on me and I believe she traded her little red paperclip for the scrabble board game. You can follow her progress as well. You can find the link to her blog on the left side bar.


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