Sunday, February 20, 2011

an update...

Okay so I know it's been a little while since I posted last. I know it's not a good way to keep followers but, I promise I will be better from here on in!
The initial excitement wore off for a bit, mainly because I am at training camp and just finished two really intense weeks of paddling, running, weights, and testing. Needless to say, but I have been a bit tired and lazy not only with this but pretty much with everything else I have going on in life as well. But I have found my enthusiasm again for more than just nap time!
So...good and bad news! I'll start with the bad news so that way when you finish reading this post the good news with be the freshest in your memory.
Bad news, I still haven't traded the deck of cards.
Good news, I have some promising deals in the works, I'm just holding off to see if there might be something just a little bit better. I'm hoping by getting a new post up that I may get a few more offers.
I have to admit, I have been really hesitant to trade. I really want to make sure that my next trade is going to be the perfect trade.
I promise within the next couple days I will have had a trade! If I can ask anything of my readers, could you please spread the word about what I'm trying to do. I really want this to take off! I want you to feel like this is your paperclip challenge. Have fun with it and challenge yourself to find something to trade with me. It can be absolutely anything. Something that has no value to you may be super valuable to someone else. And remember, at the end of the day all the proceeds from the final item are going to Canadian Athletes Now. A fund that helps Canada's national team athletes get to the Olympics and on the podium! Just remember how awesome the Vancouver Olympics were almost a year ago from today. Lets make that magic happen again for our country and help out by trading something really cool! !
Okay, stay tuned for an upcoming trade! feel free to leave comments as well!

Friday, February 4, 2011

12 trades for 2012

So i just want to add a short little post in addition to my last post.

I decided to add a deadline with a little bit of help for the idea. ;) There is no time deadline (as of yet anyways) but we are going to limit the trades to 12 trades. Thats 12 trades for 2012. 2012 representing the 2012 summer Olympics in London.

There are only 12 trades but these 12 trades have to be awesome! I want these trades to be mind blowing! Each trade could take days or weeks to make. I won't make the trade until I think it's the best offer I am getting for the current item!

So remember 12 trades for 2012! Lets see some action!

A new direction!

So i am still waiting for trade my 3 pack of cards. I have had a few offers but none that I really wanted to make. I'm still taking offers so don't be shy!

On another note, you may have noticed I changed the blog around a bit and added a few things to it. I will start with the other night. I was having one of those nights where you lay in bed and just think. For anyone who knows me they know I think a lot, I guess it's a good thing sometimes! Anyways, I was thinking of ways I could market my trades and sorta think outside the box of just using the obvious, twitter, Facebook, and word of mouth. So after thinking about some of the networks that I could branch out to, I had a light bulb moment.

I am an athlete rep for Canadian Athletes Now. Its a non-profit organization that helps amateur athletes with funding so they can achieve they're dreams. Check out the link, . Anyways having CAN FUND in mind, I am always thinking of way that I can help them raise money for canadian athletes. This is where the light bulb moment comes in, why not make this a fundraiser for Canadian Athletes Now. Why not try and trade up for something really awesome, auction it off, and give the proceeds to CAN FUND. Brilliant! Brilliant!

So I called the peeps at the office (Canadian Athletes Now) the next morning and pitched them idea. I think they liked it! I've embraced their idea that athletes can work together and magic can happen!

Now you're probably thinking, what if you trade up for something really big. For example a house, that's what the guy of the original paperclip challenge got at the end of his "trading up". So, what if you get a house? That's a good question and don't think I didn't think of that. The peeps at CAN FUND even brought that up to me. This is what I think... Truth is if I get a house that is worth $200,000.00, I really don't have anywhere near that amount of money and could probably use it for myself. But this is sorta how I see it. First of all, my initial investment was only 1 cent on the original paperclip. So if if I keep that in mind then I couldn't  care less the value of the final object because I'm not loosing anything. The other reason is that I know how much more it could help athletes all over Canada. I know how much they need it because I am one of them. The thought that if I could even just trade for something that is $6000.00 and help out 1 athlete then I think I feel better about that then having a house. Believe it or not, but I know what it's like to receive that funding and the weight off your shoulders getting the fund is so relieving. The idea of having a dream means that's you want that more than anything else, and I want my dream way more than object that I could trade for. Therefore I want my final trade going towards someones dream. Way more meaningful!

Just a quick not before I explain whats next. For all you marketers out there. By having gone to Canadian athletes now, I have hit a huge market. I've been able to go to my contacts and network out my product. I guess the idea of this could also be taken by the athletes. Market and network the message of CAN FUND. We will see how far this goes, but I reached out to my contacts and got a bite! Athletes you can do the same thing!

So what is next?

I am putting out the challenge out there to everyone. Anywhere and anyone in Canada, email me, call me and make an offer to trade something. Heck, ive had views from 10 countries so far, if your are in China, Australia, Sweeden, France,  or Mexico. If you have something that you think is worthwhile trading, and worthwhile shipping to me (keep in mind if you're from somewhere where I am not, these items have to get to me. I would be better not to pay for 100's of $$'s of shipping cost.) But if you have a tickets for an event that could be emailed to me, airline points, something redeemable over the internet, then let me know and I will use my discretion to see if it's worth the trade. Another note for you internationals, you probably think about why would I support Canadian athletes. Well keep in mind, this is still a competition again Una Lounder hehe, i still need to trade for the best item!

So I will narrow down what I am looking for. For all international people, be creative and offer me something! For all Canadians, be creative as well, but also know you're trade is going towards helping your canadian athletes.  You're trade could be the reason why John Doe from swimming gets a silver medal at the olympics or why sally from sailing gets her gold medal!.You can be apart of our success. I challenge anyone out there (specifically) Canadians to raise the bar with an awesome trade! Let's make this big! Let's show the rest of the world how much our country, Canada, supports our amateur athletes.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First trade complete!

So I have made my first trade. The little blue paperclip is mine no more. Instead I have made a 5000% profit, yes 5000% and got meself a three pack of cards. My trade couldn't have happened without Shaun Fair whom I made my trade with.

Shaun with his new paperclip and the pack of cards
he traded me

So now I have to find someone to trade my 3pack of cards with. I was also offered a pen but decided the cards because I think that cards have more trading power around here. I am in Florida for a national team training camp where card playing is the favorite past time for us athletes. We will see what I can do, but I think I will have a new update in no time at all with a new trade! Keep posted!

The paperclip is ready for some tradin'!

So here is the little blue paperclip that I intend to use for my first trade. It costed me roughly 1 cent.
The little blue paperclip. 
So today I hope to make my first trade. Una has already made her first trade and and traded her red paperclip for a scrabble board game. I have had offers thrown at me. For example, Angus Mortimer, my friend and teammate from Ottawa offered to trade me a Ottawa Senators ticket for tonights games. It would have been an awesome trade but I really had to think about it. For one I am in Florida for a training camp and he is back in Ottawa right now. I also had to weigh the possibility of not being able to trade it before tonight. If i didn't trade it before tonight then the game was over for me. I decided against the trade this time just because there was too much risk involved. I will ask around tonight and I am sure I will be able to make a trade before the end of the day. 

I was lying in bed last night thinking about this competition and why I thought it was so cool. Theres the obvious reason that i can make 1000's % profit on this but it relates to real life too. I have dreams of owning my own business some day and if you think about this challenge its kinda like starting up your own business. The paperclip and all the things I trade for are my product. I'm trying to get the word out with advertising and marketing to make profit of my product. I know it's not the exact same because my product is always changing but there are some basic features of this that are the same as starting up your own business. I also get to experience the competition part of business as well with having Una selling the same product essentially. I personally think that its pretty cool. The best thing about this is theres no risk! So I get to make mistakes without really have severe consequences like loosing my business. 

I have had a slight advantage of seeing how Una started marketing her paperclip for a trade because she started a few days ahead of me. She has started by advertising her paperclip on Facebook. I am going to do the same thing, but I also have some ideas of building on that. Just like in real life business scenario, we will steal each others marketing tactics and make them better for ourself, thats the name of the game.

Keep posted for my first trade!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And it begins!

So this paperclip challenge was inspired by my friend Una Lounder and her mission to "trade her way up in the world". Hers being a little red paperclip and mine being the little blue paperclip because its a more manly and better color. I'm really excited because not only do I love a competition but the whole idea that I could end up with a house at the end of it for example ( already happened, google it!), when all I started out with is a 1 cent paperclip.

Let me explain how it works. I start out with a paperclip. Simple. I use my bargaining skills to trade that paperclip for something more valuable like a pencil for example. So now instead of having a paperclip I have a pencil. I have just made a huge profit. Say that the paperclip was 1 cent and the pencil was 50 cents,  I just made 500% profit to be exact. Bet you never thought of that. Thats how cool this is. Anyways, now I have a pencil that I need to trade for something better and more useful to me. It goes on and on and on, there is no real end to it.

How did we come up with this idea. Well Una and I are in a Marketing class at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Nova Scotia together. One of the assignments for the class is this paperclip challenge. We both kinda expressed our excitement about the assignment to each other and started talking about how cool it would be to compete against each other and see who could come out with the best item at the end. Being the athletes we are our competitiveness shined through and it was on. I actually kinda forgot about it and then a facebook message popped up in my inbox from Una titled "The little red paperclip." I was so impressed with it but at the same time knew that it was on! So I finally found some time to get my blog created today and the trading will begin tomorrow! Or at least I will start to attempt it.

Anyways, keep posted because I will update all my trades as soon as they are made so you can track my progress. One last little message to Una...Its on! She already has a day lead on me and I believe she traded her little red paperclip for the scrabble board game. You can follow her progress as well. You can find the link to her blog on the left side bar.